Christians and Cannabis

I believe cannabis to be one of the most beneficial plants for the human race, designed by God for us to consume for our health and well-being.  Each one of us has an endocannabinoid system that researchers believe can get deficient, which could lead to health problems. One way to produce endocannabinoids naturally is to exercise for the “runner’s high,” but many don’t produce enough for optimal health. Cannabinoids are even in breast milk.  (Hopefully they won’t ban jogging and breast milk!) It’s even tripling survival rates of mice with cancer. The cannabinoid CBD significantly reduces cravings from opioids and could be a major breakthrough for addiction and even used in rehabs. It’s also shown to reduce aggression induced by isolation. Researchers have found that CBG and CBC kill gastrointestinal and bone cancer cells.

“The discovery of the endocannabinoid system is the single most important medical scientific discovery ever and will save more lives than the discovery and application of sterile surgical technique.”
— Dr. David Allen, Cardiovascular Surgeon

These effects produced by the body are closer to what CBD oil or hemp would give rather than some of the high THC/low CBD strains many are familiar with. Some breeders over time have focused heavily on the THC content alone, neglecting the CBD and other cannabinoid levels which have led to many recreational users having anxiety.  There’s over 400 compounds in cannabis including terpenes and cannabinoids that work together synergistically to produce the “Entourage Effect”. So there’s a lot more going on than just CBD and THC. A medicinal balance for optimal synergistic effect is crucial to target each specific issue. Terpenes found in cannabis like linalool are also found in other plants such as lavender. Flavanoids are also exciting compounds in cannabis that are proving to have 30 times more powerful of an anti-inflammatory effect than aspirin. It’s when all these come together it makes a medicine that no man could possibly create in a lab. It’s all quite beautiful.

Cannabis in the Bible

According to the Bible, all seed bearing plants were made for human beings for food, cannabis being one of them as it is a seed-bearing plant.

“And God said, “Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the face of all the earth, and every tree with seed in its fruit. You shall have them for food.”
Genesis 1:29

Many consume cannabis raw. It’s packed with essential amino acids and antioxidants. You can mix it in a smoothie, juice it, or blend it into cooking oils; all those forms producing zero elevation (“high”) in raw form.  It’s only when you decarboxylate the THCA into THC by heating it in an oven or smoking/vaping it does it then have the potential to have any noticeable psychoactive effect.  I often use it as an herb or spice in my food with zero elevation. CBD oil alone works for some, but we absolutely need full plant access for most medical patients. You can use cannabis and never get high, never be associated with any “cannabis culture.” It’s not much different than eating spinach for vitamins, our bodies require cannabinoids to function properly. I honestly believe this is a gift from God to us, primarily for to consume for sustenance.

Some also argue that Exodus 30:22-33 talks about cannabis in a holy anointing oil recipe based on the Hebrew term “Q’aneh-Bosm.” This issue is a tough one to figure out, I’m not convinced either way at this point. My bias towards cannabis wants it to be true, but my desire to know what the text actually is saying is greater, we want exegesis, not eisegesis.  We must seek truth over confirmation bias, retain coherent thought, and consider all possibilities without taking a strong stance until we find enough evidence weighed on all sides to provide a clear answer. Maybe there is one, but I don’t have it yet.

(6/3/20 Edit: with the new archaeological evidence showing cannabis was used in temple worship by the ancient Hebrews, this is now much more likely to be the case).

Correlation to Mental Illness?

According to Harvard Medical School, cannabis does not cause mental illnesses like schizophrenia. Correlation is not causation. People with various mental illnesses do sometimes use cannabis more often, which makes sense because cannabis greatly helps ease mental issues like depression and anxiety.  It’s the same logic of saying Ibuprofen must cause headaches because more people with headaches use Ibuprofen. That being said, someone at risk of psychosis or schizophrenia should avoid the higher THC strains including edibles because that can aggravate issues that are already there.  But it’s not something that’s causing any permanent health disorders. It does not lower IQ. This plant has a remarkable safety profile, no one has ever overdosed or died from any form of cannabis. Anti-Cannabis Propaganda like “Reefer Madness” films have done a great deal of harm to society on many levels and much of it is embedded in racism. I believe it’s time this is all turned around, the stigma is put to rest, and this plant is seen and used as God intended.

Legality Does Not Determine Morality

God alone defines morality and what is sin. “Drugs are bad” is a blanket statement with no consideration of the variety of uses of countless substances for the human body, weighing out the risks and benefits.  Some substances may be beneficial for some people in small doses while harmful in high doses. Others are highly beneficial but with risks. Some build tolerance if taken too often. Substances like poison shouldn’t be put in the body altogether. Regardless, no substance or drug is inherently immoral or evil, it matters what you are doing with it. Context is king with substance/drug/medicinal use (as with Bible interpretation!).

Many law abiding citizens end up addicted to legal opioids every day. Often those who are prescribed pain pills end up on heroin when they realize it’s not that big of a step over, both are derived from the opium poppy. Heroin is often cheaper and the person realizes there’s no difference in morality except that it’s prohibited by law; but in essence, there’s not much of a difference.   Many people wouldn’t touch a legal pain pill if they knew how similar they were to illegal opioids.  Just because a doctor prescribes you a pill, doesn’t mean it’s in all cases moral to take, especially if it’s causing you to sin or doing your body undue harm. With any medicinal substance, many different factors determine if the use is justified or not.

However, as Christians we are commanded to submit to governing authorities as they have been established by God (Romans 13:1-7; 1 Peter 2:13-14; Titus 3:1-3). Does this override God’s provision of all seed-bearing plants in Genesis 1:29? To what degree do we obey the law when it begins to harm us and goes against God’s provision? At what point do we risk losing our freedom to seek what helps a child who’s disabled and there are no other options to alleviate their suffering? I personally don’t have all the answers. These are the tough questions those suffering and those whose children are suffering shouldn’t have to face. I in no way advise or suggest anyone to break any laws for any reason, I’m only pointing out all the caveats in this situation many must unfortunately deal with. Many people are suffering over this issue right now who shouldn’t be.

Always consult a licensed medical professional first before changing the dosage of any prescription you are already on because you can die from even a quick reduction in something like a benzo like xanax or klonopin (I had a seizure from forgetting a single klonopin dose one night).  Thankfully with CBD/cannabis oil I was able to consult my doctor and slowly wean off all the old prescriptions including the antidepressant and benzo slowly over time, according to the monthly reduction schedule that was given to me. Never listen to anyone who tells you to change your prescription medicine who isn’t an actual doctor, people have died over this.  This is why I urge people to exhaust all natural options prior to going to synthetic chemicals. It was a mental and physical nightmare being on those pills for 20 years and getting off them was very difficult. Cannabis oil is actually helping me without causing any problems or side effects, and like many other parents and individuals with autism, we have been saying this is the only thing that helps many of us for a long time, and studies have proven our claims.

Recreational Use

Recreational use can also be done without intoxication or without depending on multiple factors. The mental “high” is only a side effect of some strains used by some routes of administration. Either way I believe the recreational use of cannabis falls under Christian freedom (1 Corinthians 6:12; 10:23-31), being careful not to cause your brother to stumble who may find it offensive (Romans 14:21). If used responsibly and in moderation I believe many Christians can use cannabis in a way that gives glory to God. I really believe this, and it’s not because I want to justify “getting high,” it’s because I’ve seen the medicinal power of this plant and I think all the hysteria over the past 80+ years over this plant is false and was made up so hemp/cannabis wouldn’t take over multiple industries like logging, medical, fuel, building materials (see this house made from hempcrete), animal feed, etc…   Pharmaceutical companies have been trying for years to patent this plant for medical use and the US government already has.

I’ve taken many prescriptions over the years to try and manage my health issues and cannabis is one of the most beneficial ones to my health I’ve ever taken with the fewest side effects, which are often none given I’m taking the strain that’s working best for each issue. For me, I can’t take high THC edibles because it gives me too much elevation, but I can use low to medium THC strains with high CBD in oil form under the tongue, or in a dry herb vaporizer. I recommend sincerely praying before God and seeking Him first (Matthew 6:33), and if cannabis causes you to sin from recreational use, don’t use any more than you need for general health or medication.

My desire is for responsible adults to have a much safer options for recreation, medicine, and even for those who are in desperation to escape from mental or physical pain. It’s not right for alcohol to be the only legal option at every gas station, the only escape. Cannabis is not a gateway drug. If anything it makes helps make sure those who are suffering won’t need to seek out other substances to use as band-aids because it’s likely addressing a endocannabinoid deficiency that’s causing them anxiety or depression in the first place.  CBD and cannabis oil are currently being tested for treating many other addictions, including alcohol and meth. I know for me, all other substance cravings ceased when I started CBD oil alone; and I haven’t touched alcohol since and didn’t need 5 different prescriptions any longer. Cannabis is more of a safeguard to prevent someone from harmful addictions from my own and many others experience. Studies have also proven cannabis isn’t making people lazy, but in fact it’s motivating people to exercise more.

Use discretion and common sense as with anything.  Don’t use a strain or high level of THC that may impair your ability to function before operating machinery or going to work.  Always test new strains or oils at home where you have no important things to do for the day to see how your mind and body react.

Remember, Christians are to remain sober-minded (1 Peter 5:8) and not to get drunk with wine as it leads to debauchery, but rather be filled with the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 5:18). I personally keep the elevation as low as possible, raising it according to the specific medical need. But even still, cannabis isn’t causing intoxication where people are making aggressive and horrible decisions (including debauchery) as with alcohol or cocaine; so I’d argue it’s difficult to be Biblically intoxicated from cannabis maybe apart from extremely high THC concentrates or decarbed edibles. But I also don’t believe anyone should to go prison or lose their jobs who wants to use any amount of THC in the privacy of their own homes who isn’t harming anyone (same with alcohol). Pray for wisdom, and as with any substance always use responsibly and in moderation. If it causes you to sin in any way, throw it out, stay away from it (Matthew 5:29).

“If you have found honey, eat only enough for you, lest you have your fill of it and vomit it.”
Proverbs 25:16

Hemp Flower

Many recreationally enjoy vaporizing hemp flower with under .03% THC that has no mental elevation, only body relaxation like with CBD oil. I believe it will largely replace tobacco in the near future (Marlboro has already invested 2.4 Billion). Dry herb vaporizers are wonderful; you don’t have to deal with any fluids as with e-cigs, and you are only heating the flower just enough to evaporate the cannabinoids and terpenes off. There is no tar inhaled and the THC levels are far too low to cause any mental effects. This is all very exciting for so many different reasons; it’s actually good for us, not addictive like tobacco, and it doesn’t cause intoxication. It’s a great substance for health and recreation in my opinion. .03% THC is the limit for hemp but I personally find 1-2% THC in medical strains the best for helping my issues with autism, which is confirmed by the studies out of Israel. So we do need the entire cannabis genus legalized, but hemp flower and CBD oil so far are helping millions of people in major ways.

““All things are lawful for me,” but not all things are helpful. “All things are lawful for me,” but I will not be dominated by anything.”
1 Corinthians 10:23-24

Drug Testing

THC drug tests are testing for minuscule levels of THC where you could test positive for using cannabis 30+ days prior. Theoretically you could even fail from second hand smoke. I think this is ridiculous and this form of testing should be abandoned. People can go to the store and buy a half gallon of 95% grain alcohol and drink all they want on their days off and no one cares. In my opinion no one should be bothered if someone uses cannabis on the weekend on their days off either. Honestly it’s really no one’s business.

The issue is how do we prove if a person is intoxicated with high levels of THC on the job or while driving and that’s something we haven’t figured out yet, but the current form of testing is only harming law abiding citizens and discriminating against the disabled.  This type of testing I strongly believe needs to be abandoned in all 50 states immediately; it’s putting people who use CBD oil at risk for losing their jobs, losing their families, or even going to prison from a failed probation drug test. Surveys have found almost 7% of the Americans are using CBD oil; THC urinalysis at 15-50 ng/ml would cause many of these people to fail one of these tests. There’s simply no known way to tell what amount of THC was introduced in body and when. It’s so sensitive, I would advise not to even use CBD isolate just in case a little THC was left over in the isolation process that could cause a false positive (even hemp seed oil and Vitamin B2/riboflavin can do this).

As a Christian, please consider the countless lives that have been destroyed over cannabis prohibition. Many people need to be let out of jail who should have never been put in there. Millions of disabled people need this medicine and shouldn’t have to be labeled drug addicts or criminals to get it after they have already spent years trying pharmaceuticals that never worked for them. Parents shouldn’t have to watch their kids suffer, or risk losing them and then going to prison over the one thing that has scientifically proven to work for them. We need full plant access and the right to grow this in our own homes for our own needs, whatever that may be; it’s no ones business but ours before God.

How to Talk to Friends and Family

Pray for wisdom (James 1:5), be open and honest, showing your heart on the matter.  Be kind, gentle, and loving (1 Corinthians 13), not forceful or demanding. You are only going to push a person away if you try and force them to believe something they have been told is wrong all their lives, please respect their dignity. Provide evidence from good sources. Show them those who have already been helped in dramatic ways.

“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.”
Proverbs 15:1

I see CBD oil and hemp as major bridge to all this.  It’s opening many eyes to the medicinal properties and safety profile of this plant.  Ignorance breeds fear, so understanding the endocannabinoid system and how these are natural, God-designed processes in the human body can help alleviate the fears many may have. Once CBD is understood, it helps open a door to the rest of the plant.

Do all to the Glory of God!

Whatever you do, do it all to the glory of God.  If you can’t do it to God’s glory or it will cause your brother to stumble then don’t do it (1 Cor 10:23-31; Romans 14:21). Also keep in mind self-control being one of the fruits of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23), keeping irregular appetites of the flesh in check (Romans 13:13-14). These verses alone might prevent you from using cannabis in a recreational sense, but please keep in mind many have no other medical option but to use medicinal cannabis. And others really do need a safe outlet for recreational use that isn’t endangering their lives and the lives of others as many other substances can. It’s one of the few recreational substances that is actually beneficial to the body by encouraging homeostasis.

There’s a lot of good we can do as Christians to help with this situation and do it in the name of Christ Jesus, all to His glory. I think it starts with education and loving those who are hurting all around us, always pointing to the Cross; because it’s the soul that will live for all eternity and that’s in the most desperate need of healing. Physical health will always be secondary to spiritual. All the good health in the world is all meaningless if we then lose our souls (Mark 8:36). Christ alone is the remedy for the soul, He’s the only way to the Father (John 14:6). Only by faith in His sacrifice on the Cross atoning for our sin can we ever have hope of salvation. The Gospel always comes first, but I believe we can take the Gospel with us as we go out and help millions of hurting people with medical cannabis and other natural medicine, all in His name; bringing healing to mind, body, and soul.

Soli Deo gloria!


Project CBD: Beginners Guide

Project CBD: Entourage Effect

What Is the Endocannabinoid System and What Is Its Role?

Clinical Endocannabinoid Deficiency

Bioavailability of CBD: Comparing Methods of CBD Administration

Reddit’s CBD Discussion Sub (great place to ask questions anonymously).

Facebook: “Christians and Cannabis” discussion group

Facebook: “Whole Plant Access for Autism” (over 14k members).

Study: Cannabis oil 80% successful in helping autistic children

Study: CBD From Marijuana Plus Chemotherapy Tripled Cancer Survival Rates In Mice

14 thoughts on “Christians and Cannabis

  1. Will Cunningham you are a man after my own heart! I’ve been discussing CBD Oil with Johnny’s Aka: Poota’s Doctor! He finally agreed, to letting me give it a shot! To see if it helps him! Is there a dosage that you recommend?

    Liked by 2 people

    1. That’s great! Many start with around 10mg sublingually (under the tongue for 30-60 seconds) of full spectrum oil. Immediately swallowing the drops will also work but the bioavailability is lower so you might need 2-3x the amount to achieve the same results. I started with 10mg 3x a day. Tolerance often goes up after 2-4 weeks of daily use. Mine went to around 30mg 3x a day after the first month and it settled down around there long term. I’d try something like Lazarus high potency full spectrum oil (they have a great Disability/Veteran discount). Just make sure you look for 3rd party lab results for each brand to check for the correct cannabinoid levels and to make sure there’s no heavy metals or pesticides.

      The Whole Plant Access for Autism Facebook group is a great place to ask any other questions (also Reddit’s CBD sub), there are thousands of parents there with children with autism who know a lot about this. CBG oil is another one that’s helping many with social anxiety, I’ll often add 10mg of the FlowerChild brand along with my normal CBD dose before going in public. THC is very helpful and essential for many but that’s only available in some states so far.

      Let me know if you end up trying something or if you have any other questions. Praying for Poota!



  2. Thank you very much. You have answered a question I’ve been asking myself for a long time. I’m a Christian and I vape cannabis oil for medical reasons one of them is anxiety and the other is pain and it’s made me I different person on a nicer person and I don’t lose my temper anymore and you’re right it doesn’t make you lazy were stoned out. I suspect if you started abusing it then it would make you stoned out or lazy. God bless you!!👍

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks for the comment Joel. I agree, when used properly, it’s a very useful plant medically and nutritionally. It can be abused like anything, but most people seem to be able to use it in moderation just fine. I have a lot of hope the stigma against it is finally fading away, and a lot of hurting people are going to be helped by it. God bless you, brother!


  3. Thank you very much. You have answered a question I’ve been asking myself for a long time. I’m a Christian and I vape cannabis oil for medical reasons one of them is anxiety and the other is pain and it’s made me I different person on a nicer person and I don’t lose my temper anymore and you’re right it doesn’t make you lazy were stoned out. I suspect if you started abusing it then it would make you stoned out or lazy. God bless you!!👍


  4. What I don’t like seeing is young kids putting videos of them vaping huge quantities of THC and that right there is abusing it and it’s also giving cannabis a bad name. I’ve traced cannabis back 2 Egyptians. They wrap their dead up in it and a doctor found an old text were this should gyptian man had a lot of remedies made from cannabis and they used it a lot way before we knew about it I think it was introduced to the United States and its 16 hundreds by the Spaniards ?the article also said they traced cannabis back to 200 or 300 BC and my thoughts on this is a lot of people don’t really know what cannabis is and what it does and not knowing makes them ignorant of it and they’re afraid of it. What do you think?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I agree, I don’t like the face of cannabis being young people using high THC/low CBD extracts. The Greeks and Romans used cannabis in their daily lives without ever realizing you could smoke it for a psychoactive effect. In most cases in human history it’s been used for nutrition (eating the flowers, hemp seed oil), industry (hempcrete, rope, animal feed), and for health as an anti-inflammatory.

      The primary purpose has never been a “high”. That’s why I often say, it’s like some kid smoked spinach and got a buzz so they then banned all vegetables and now many have cannabinoid deficiencies which can lead to physical and mental health problems. That’s why I focus mainly on high CBD/low THC strains, and then recommend slowly going up on the THC when necessary for medical reasons. But, I still don’t want anyone to be fined, arrested, or convicted of a crime for using the plant in any way they choose.

      Hemp flower (high CBD, almost no THC) is starting to get very popular, which I’m excited about. It’s going to show how beneficial the plant is with the THC almost out of the equation, no high at all; but you can still enjoy the flower in its natural form and get the CBD oil type effect without the mental high. It’s really fun to grow! My ideal strains would be hemp flower during the day, and maybe a 5% THC/10% CBD cannabis strain at night for sleep or pain.


  5. Wish I could get some here in Ireland any suggestions how I might avail of this treatment oil or whatever I need to calm my drooping Spirit. Great post .

    Liked by 2 people

    1. It is hard to get in many places, I still can’t legally get medical strains with high THC in my area yet.

      For many, the only option right now is CBD oil from hemp. I use Lazarus Naturals, I know they ship to many other countries but not sure about Ireland, you could email them and ask.

      The other thing that’s helped me with a lot of OCD and anxiety/depression issues is the amino acid NAC, I take 1000mg twice a day. That’s one of the most effective amino acids I know of and covers a wide range of issues. I use the “NOW” brand, any should be fine though.

      Things are going to get better, a lot is changing quickly. I hope and pray you feel better soon!

      Liked by 1 person

  6. God brought cannabis into my life a few years ago, right when my wife was dealing with debilitating health issues and I was having flashbacks to childhood sexual abuse. I have/had BPD & I was very narcissistic. I’ve used all kinds of combinations of indica, sativa and CBD strains, and for me, the best strain has been a high THC indica. Use of that strain has through prayer and meditation on God helped me work through many issues. Now my BPD is presenting in an entirely different way since I seek approval from God and find it in Jesus. I couldn’t have faced my issues if not for the medicinal use of cannabis.


  7. I came across the link to this article on Reddit when looking for subs/discussions on Christians and cannabis. This article is incredibly well written and explains so well what I believe about cannabis, the God who created it, Christian freedom, and how His word trumps the cannabis laws – which are oppressive in every way and rooted in racism. I’m so thankful for this. I have very few believers in my life who know about my use of cannabis (for PTSD, depression, and OCD), and I am frankly afraid of what would happen if others found out. I long for the day when cannabis is legal in my state; we are far behind in this pursuit. I hope at that point to be a bridge between plant medicine, designed by God, and the Church…who fears what it does not understand.
    As a former drug addict, I have a very different perspective on cannabis than most Christians I know. I never ONCE woke up after smoking a bunch of weed and thought, “I need to sell something to get money for my next high.” Not ONCE. But cocaine, ecstasy, morphine, Xanax – those were the things that kept me desperately doing whatever I could for a single pill, a single high. It’s not the same thing. It’s not in the same category. Can it be abused? Most certainly. But that is a HEART issue, not an issue with the plant the Lord designed for us to use, to fine healing and rest as we navigate this broken world we’re in.
    I’m done for now lol. I’m just so excited to read this. Thank you for boldly sharing. My day will come, until then I pray that my Father knows my heart and knows that my cannabis consumption is in FAITH. Faith that He created it, faith that it is a good gift, faith that He is pleased when we utilize what He has designed.

    Thanks again.


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